Persuade... Don't Coerce

GMA, 225 Commerce Place, Greensboro
Registration begins at: 
8:15 am

Presented by Karae Foddrell of Fodrell Consulting

Have you ever wondered why your sincere willingness, enthusiasm and motivation to get thing done doesn't always resonate with your work team, business partners or sales prospects? Do you feel like you're forcing them, rather than coaching them, to your way of thinking? If you are like many people, you experience times when your energy level and persuasive skills aren't resonating with those around you. This seminar will provide you with the perfect learning tools you can use to enhance your persuasive communications skills. You will explore strategies to:

    -Establish credibility.

   -Understand your audience.

   -Build rapport and connect emotionally.

   -Reinforce your position with compelling evidence and harmonious communication.

These skills will help you increase productivity, boost sales, and reduce friction, because in the world of communication, it's all about relationships!

Teach Me Tuesdays are fast-paced seminars taught by experts within the community on the nuts and bolts of running your business. Topics include human resources, technology, finance, sales, customer service and more. Seminars are free to all employees of GMA member companies.

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