Everything DiSC: Personalities in the Workplace

GMA, 225 Commerce Place, Greensboro
Registration begins at: 
8:15 am

Presented by Graham Dail of JER HR Group

Have you ever wondered why some people just don't get you? Or ever thought "I cannot even begin to know what my boss needs - even when I ask, I still don't understand." Most of us have felt that way at one time or another!

Everything DiSC® is a research-validated model that helps you understand yourself and others. It's not a test, it's a personality assessment. It can help you build more effective working relationships based on an understanding of different behavioral styles and create stronger, more efficient work teams - saving you time, energy and money. Better employee communication means efficiency on both individual and company levels. Everything DiSC Workplace® can be used with everyone in an organization - regardless of title or role - to improve the quality of the workplace. 

Benefits include:

  • Providing a common language to help teams understand one another and work better together.
  • Acting as a springboard for conversation and team building.
  • Improving employee and workplace communication.
  • Helping you to understand people who aren't like you... or are too much like you.
  • Reducing conflict and avoiding misunderstandings.


Participants will receive a FREE access code to experience the Everything DiSC Workplace® assessment after the seminar.

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